How much should I feed my dog?
Each meal has been already measured out for you in accordance with your dog’s weight. Is My Dog Overweight?
Do I feed them kibble as well as Karma K9 Dog Food?
Raw means that all ingredients are RAW – Pesticide Free – Organic – Fresh (when packed and immediately frozen) and healthy. When moving your dog’s diet from kibble to raw food, you do have to merge it. Going straight into raw may upset your dog’s tummy. There is a guide on how to introduce a new diet to your dog on all the Karma K9 Dog Food packets to help you.
If you are still using kibble, it’s a good idea to understand the label of ingredients. Here are some helpful tips:
- As with our list of ingredients, the first listed ingredient must be the most prominent. With a high-quality kibble, you need to look for crude protein - 40% and more.
- Products that are “with” - normally the protein level can sit around 3%. Anything with flavour – I would put the packet back down.
- When the first ingredient is "grain" you may find that you will always have a hungry dog. They need protein (unless you have been instructed by your Vet).
Can I Feed my Dog Raw as well as Kibble?
At the end of the day, this is your dog. If your dog is receiving their full nutrients - what you feed them, how you nourish them - and keeping them healthy and happy is down to you.
Kibble is processed – synthetic nutrients and carbohydrates. There are some good, nourishing, high quality, and fit for human consumption kibble around. The crude protein needs to be 40% or more (read the ingredients label).
A lot of my clients feed Karma K9 Dog Food in the morning as a high protein meal during the day and some kibble in the evening (12 hours apart preferably). What you may find will happen is, because the Karma K9 Dog Food is so tasty for them, they want you to put some of the daily amount to one side to mix with the kibble. If your dog is being fed at the same time each day, they will be able to digest what you put in their bowl. Just be mindful not to overfeed your dog. I know they find it tasty and it is easy to overfeed when they enjoy it so much.
How do I know if I am overfeeding my dog?
They get fat, just like us, and a dog does not know when to stop eating. Measure their food out (Food Guide). Encourage them to eat the whole food bowl in one sitting (Is My Dog Overweight?) and you can see if they are overweight.

How often should I feed my dog?
It is recommended that you feed your dog twice a day, 12 hours apart.
How much water should my dog drink each day?
The golden rule is 100ml per kg of dog. When you do move to RAW unprocessed food, because it is all-natural (i.e. less salt), your dog's water intake may minimize a bit. However, if you are ever worried always take advice from a vet.
Why do dogs always run to the door when it's never for them?
No one will ever be able to answer this question.
How should I store Karma K9 Dog Food?
All our food is handmade. Once created the food is vacuum packed and frozen immediately.
The food is to be kept frozen until you are ready to use it. The packs are weighed out in accordance with our Measuring Guide and each pack, once opened, can be stored in your fridge. The packs are designed to use in a couple of days. Your dog will want to eat them every day.
Frozen vacuum-packed raw meat should be stored in your freezer for up to 3-12 Months.
What ingredients do we use? And what do you mean by “fit for human consumption”?
Whilst I would never recommend a human to eat raw meat, this food is very natural and yes, it is fit for human consumption.
Will handling the raw food make me sick?
We have purposely formed the food into balanced tasty sausages for three reasons:
- You don’t have to handle the raw meat directly.
- They love the casing – it also encourages them to chew on the food rather than just gulp it all down in one hit.
- Because it is weight controlled – you take one meal out and feed it to them. And because it is contained within the casing, the meat does not oxygenate (goes brown and smelly) before you finish the pack. This food is so good – we don’t want you to waste any.